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E-Bulletin Closing Down!

Spring is nearly upon us! In the spirit of new beginnings, we are also announcing that the E-bulletin is going to be revamped and re-energized from the ground up. Out with the old, in with the new!

We know that for many of you, the E-bulletin is your preferred method of staying informed about our latest events. Well, don't worry, the E-bulletin format is here to stay. Currently however, it is linked to our old church app which is no longer in use. When the old app is shut down, so will the old E-Bulletin.

The upcoming, improved Calvary Newsletter will now be delivered straight to your email and to our new app. It will feature all of the church's latest news and upcoming events just as you've come to expect.

If you'd like to receive the new Calvary Newsletter, keep your ears open for an announcement coming soon. We don't have a premiere date yet, but we are working hard to provide this form of communication for you.