The Engagement Project

September 11 - November 13, 6:30-8:30pm in the Community Room

The newest series provided by Dr. Del Tackett and Truth Encounter Ministries

The Hospitables small group will be hosting this 10-week video study and discussion. We will delve into quesitons like understanding why we are still here, why did Jesus leave, and more. This will be a transformational time you don't want to miss. If you missed the start last week feel free to join us this week.

Click below to see a short video about the study.

For questions contact Chuck Reade at (913) 530-1822

How Then Should We Live?

Join us Saturday, September 14th from 8-10am in the Community Room

Why do most Christians choose not to vote? It is staggering that only an estimated 25% of evangelical Christians will vote in the upcoming November election. We will discuss possible reasons why and look into God's word for guidance as to how to be responsible citizens of heaven and earth and devoted followers of Jesus Christ this Saturday morning from 8 to 10 am in the Community Room. Men and women invited, and a light breakfast will be served.

Click below for the link to access the MOI meeting videos.

Mike Sullivan & David Wright

Register Now!

Ladies Fall Tuesday Night Bible Study will be studying the book of Matthew. It is scheduled to begin Sept. 3rd, 2024 - April 30th, 2025 from 6:15-8:15pm in the Family Room. The cost is $35 to register and receive a book. Register at

If you have any questions please contact Ellie Lee or Bemby Yocum

Gillespie Video

If you missed the video sent by John and Tessa on Sunday, you can click the link below to view.

Haiti Update

After working through all of the information from the pledge drive, we have concluded that we will be able to increase our support for the All In One Family Church for the 2024-25 school year! With prices rising significantly in Haiti (even worse than here), we are currently able to provide scholarships to the children in both schools, and to provide a school lunch program for one school. We are working to ensure that we can feed the children in both schools, and hope to be able to announce our ability to feed the children in both schools very soon! This is an incredible blessing for hundreds of children and their families in Haiti. Your faithfulness has made an incredible impact on the communities in Croix des Bouquets and Saut d’Eau. Pastor Kesnel, his wife Yanick, and everyone at One Family give you their heartfelt thanks.

Light of the World in KC

A Westbrooke Women's Retreat

Sat. 9/28, 8:30am-3:30pm in the Community Room

Join us for fun, fellwoship and learning how we can serve one another from Kansas City and still affect the world. Cost is $10 and includes lunch. Baby sitting is available by request (please let us know in advance). Please use the link below to sign up.

Loaves & Fishes Food Pantry

Volunteers are always needed! Contact Joy Waldstein at to get involved in this ministry!

Weekly Giving Update:

September Giving - $26,771

Giving YTD - $452,999(-11%)

Budgeted YTD - $507,707

View Here
Westbrooke Sunday School Classes

There are currently three adult Sunday School classes:

Classes are available in the Community Room (also available via Zoom), the Boardroom, the Library, and the Family Room.

All classes begin at 9:00am. Hope you can join us for one of these!

Sunday Prayer Time

The Prayer group meets on Sunday mornings at 9:00am in the "Cry Room".

Each week we will meet to pray about personal needs, the needs of the church, needs around the world, and anything and everything God puts on our hearts. We would love to have you join us!

Westbrooke Prayer Chain

To join the Westbrooke prayer chain or send a prayer chain request please contact

What's Going on in Children's Ministry?

Children's Sunday School Pre-K thru 6th grade beginning at 9:00am.

Children's Church, 10:15 - end of service: For ages 3 years old thru 4th grade are invited downstairs for a time of play, Bible lesson, snack and Scripture memory.


10:15 - end of service: Care is available for Infants thru age 2.
Interested in volunteering? Contact Elizabeth at

What's Going on in YOUTH?

> Every Sunday: 9am Sunday School - Teen boys and girls meet in the Youth room.

Sept. 18: 6:30-8:30pm Basic Training Series (first of a 4-part series)


Westbrooke Wifi: "WBC-Guest"

Password : "guest9777"

Website access

Access Breeze, our online directory!

Online Connect Card

Sunday School Classes

9 - 10am

Westbrooke Staff:

Dean Tomlinson

Lead Pastor

Joel Stark

Associate Pastor

Kirk Merritt

Worship Director

Josh Tomlinson

Youth Director

Chuck Reade


Linda Conklin

Office Coordinator

Elizabeth Schutte

Children's Ministry Coordinator

Becky Rouse

Communications Coordinator

Eric Hite

Tech Ministry

Westbrooke Church
9777 Antioch Rd.
Overland Park, KS 66212

Ph: (913)888-4750
Email: Click Here

Our Vision:
To glorify God by seeking Christ-centered transformation for ourselves, our community, and the world.