Conclusion: God wants us to live in peace and love with one another. This love can only come from God. And it is yours for the asking. God wants us to be direct and honest with each other. When we are faced with a conflict, pray and ask God for wisdom in the matter. If we have caused injury to someone, we need to go to the individual and ask for forgiveness. If someone has harmed us then we need to go to that person and, praying beforehand, spell the problem out for him or her.
Remember, diplomacy and tact are extremely helpful. Try to think of something positive to tell them so that they are not automatically put on the defensive. If they ask for forgiveness, you need to forgive them. If you have to, ask God to help you forgive them. Do not, under any circumstances get involved in someone else’s quarrel. If someone asks for advice with their quarrel, refer them to the appropriate Bible verses.
There may be times when you will need to verbally confront someone under certain circumstances. Those times would be when: 1) God is dishonored, 2). God’s service is dishonored, and 3) innocents are suffering. Lastly, remember God’s promise to us. “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.” Philippians 4:13