Note: We are naturally bent toward reverencing those who are spiritual leaders rather than God Himself. Martin Luther specifically told his followers not to take his name and make a church out of the truth that God had led him to and camp around those doctrines, but did they listen? NO. Martin Luther believed in infant baptism but in 1650 the truth about full immersion baptism as taught in the scriptures came to light and Roger Williams began a church with that new truth. They later became known as the Baptists. In Proverbs 4:18 God shows us that truth is to be restored like bricks in a foundation one brick at time. If God were to show us all the truth at once it would prove to be too much for us. God restores and teaches as man can handle.
But here’s the PROBLEM. God wants to lead all his children to stand on the shoulders of those reformers and not to reverence their leaders but to keep accepting new light as God leads. Truth is progressive. With Wycliff, we must believe in the Bible only. With Huss, obedience is to God only. With Luther, salvation is a gift from God not to be earned. With Wesley, salvation results in a higher standard of living. From those men of God come fuller and fuller light but God never intended us to camp there but to continue to embrace new truths as he leads.