Click on the link below for all the dates and times for the events happening this week. Share this WhatsApp square with friends and family and invite them to join!
Here are dates & times for you to diarise:
- Monday, 25 March to Saturday, 30 March - Prayer Room (details below)
- Friday, 29 March - Good Friday services at 8 am and 10 am
- Saturday, 30 March - Blood Drive from 9 am *
- Saturday, 30 March - Giant Easter Egg Hunt (see below for details)
- Sunday, 31 March - sunrise at the beach from 5:30 am near Ushaka Pier **
- Sunday, 31 March - Easter Sunday services at 10 am and 5:30 pm (Please note: NO 8 am service)
* We have asked the SANBS to bring extra beds for this blood drive as we want to have as many people as possible donating blood. It's a great reminder of what Jesus did for us and a wonderful way to give back to our country to help those that need this precious gift of blood.
** Look out for us near Ushaka Pier. Bring breakfast, costumes, picnic blankets, etc. There will be a reflection guide available to do individually or in groups. There is no 8 am service at the church, so feel free to stay for longer.