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Teachers Union Promotes Pronouns Cards For Students

(Washington Stand) A “Student Identification Card” sounds relatively innocuous, like something that could come in handy for a field trip, emergency drill, or cafeteria hour. Such a card seems unlikely to serve a purpose in promoting LGBT indoctrination and deceiving parents. And yet, that’s exactly what it is now being used for.

This particular student ID card is available from, a “community-based site” that is “created and maintained by the American Federation of Teachers” (AFT). The resource appears to be developed by the site’s “Identity Affirming Classroom Team” (I-ACT) and is classified as “social emotional learning.” According to Share My Lesson, this card is a resource recommended for all grade levels.


So, why did someone the AFT saw fit to promote create this card in the first place? The answer lies right in the center of the card. In between a student’s “government name” and one line of “tell me … about yourself” (paper-thin disguises both) is an elaborate system for students and teachers to secretly communicate about their gender identity, right under their parents’ nose. The assumption is that students should suspect their parents, hide secrets from them, and do so in secret code.