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Friend Day and BBQ Picnic - Sun. August 28th

We are encouraging everyone at DeWitt Christian Church to invite a friend to join us for worship and a pig roast (pulled pork) picnic immediately following services. We encourage you to…

  • PRAY: Make a list of five friends who need Jesus in their life and start praying for them daily… by name.
  • INVEST: Spend some quality time with your friends, invest in your relationship with them, be vulnerable, and ask for help. In other words, be a friend to your friends.
  • INVITE: Ask a friend to join you for our friend day celebration on August 28. Ask a friend to visit your home group.
  • PURSUE: Remember that it takes an average of 8 invitations before someone will actually come to church with you. Don’t be a stalker or be pushy. Just let them know that you’d love to have them join you. Offer to meet them in the parking lot so you can come in with them.