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Abortion And The Doubled Minded "Christian Left"

(Faith & Freedom) Rev. Adam Russell Taylor, the new president of Sojourners and successor to founder Rev. Jim Wallis, is explaining this week how the apparent decision the Supreme Court has made regarding Roe v Wade is "deeply flawed and alarming" because "As a Christian, I believe we must protect the rights of women and pregnant people to make their own reproductive health decisions."


F. LaGard Smith, a retired law professor from Pepperdine University, author, and an old friend asks, "How can it be that, if a mother wants her baby, then it is a person, and the law will protect it against the world; but if a mother doesn’t want the baby, then it’s not a person, and the mother can do with it as she pleases?"

A confused public.

A Rasmussen Survey published yesterday reflects the confusion in our culture over "a woman's right to choose."