Welcome & Sabbath School | Jared Momanyi
Songs of Praise
Praise Team | Eileen, Jospehine, Rachael, Rael
Pianist | Cheryl Saunders
"Under His Wings"
"He Hideth My Soul"
"Sabbath Rest"
Welcome & Announcements | Mark Trana
Song of Worship | Praise Team
"Jesus Saves"
Opening Prayer | Mark Trana
Worship in Giving | Mark Trana
Minnesota Advance
Offertory | Pilgrim Singers
"Wito Umetolewa / Wake Up!"
Children's Story | Alison Pichel
Scripture Reading | Ryan Morala
Luke 22:19-20
World Pathfinder Day!
Worship in Music | Pilgrim Singers
"When We Cross the Jordan River"
Homily | Pastor Darnisha Thomas
"A Souvenir Worth Cherishing"
Divide for Ordinance of Service
Communion Service | Pastor Darnisha Thomas
Closing Song | Praise Team
"The Blood Will Never Lose its Power
Benediction | Pastor Darnisha Thomas
"We Have This Hope"