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April 20, 2024

Welcome & Sabbath School | Alan Hansen

Songs of Praise | Josephine, Rael, Eunice

Pianist | Belain Kinfu

"Oh Where are the Reapers"

"Don't Forget the Sabbath"

"Sabbath Rest"

Welcome & Announcements | Hesbon Simba

Song of Worship | Josephine, Rael, Eunice

"The Wonder of It All"

Opening Prayer | Hesbon Simba

Worship in Giving | Hesbon Simba

**Church Budget

Offertory | Phebe Samson

Children's Story | Linda Omirera

Scripture Reading | Ashlyn Morala

John 9:25

Worship in Music | Cheryl Saunders

Message | Pastor Darnisha Thomas

"Masterpiece Reimagined"

Closing Song | Josephine, Rael, Eunice

"Amazing Grace"

Benediction | Pastor Darnisha Thomas


"We Have This Hope"

**Loose offerings will go toward local church budget.