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Journey Retreat

FRIDAY 4.27.18 (6-9 PM) -
SATURDAY 4.28.18 (9 AM-4 PM)

We’ve been invited by Jesus Christ to experience the best possible way to do abundant, full life. But He surely didn’t mean schedules full of doing, and abundant carts packed with the latest and greatest. He couldn’t have meant that because that leaves us feeling empty - not full.

It’s time to experience a different way. Through practices that open us up to the transforming work of the Holy Spirit, discover rest and abundance as God intended. Learn how to live out a life of love that extends beyond the walls of the church and impacts the world around you.

Join us on retreat as we learn to recognize and experience living in a transforming
relationship with God for the sake of others.

Retreat focus: solitude and silence

Cost: $25/person (includes three meals)