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Health Benefits and the Goodness of this Green Drink
  • Green Apple is our go-to sweetener for green juices. It’s cheap and does a good job of balancing out any bitterness or earthiness of the greens. When juiced with the peel still on, apples are a great source of vitamin A, vitamin C, and potassium. Apples help with breaking down toxins, lowering cholesterol, and helps with digestion. Add apples with the peel left on, but do not juice the core. Apple seeds may not be the best for us.
  • Parsley is an antioxidant powerhouse and is rich in vitamins and minerals such as potassium, iron, magnesium, vitamin A, vitamin B, vitamin C, vitamin E, and vitamin K. The flavor of juiced parsley is strong, but just a handful of the stems and leaves will leave the juice with a bright green color and fresh taste. It’s nicely balanced with the lemon, cucumber, and apple.
  • Spinach is rich in iron (almost twice as much as other greens). Since spinach is easily available and inexpensive, it’s our go-to green for juicing. The taste is very mild and it pairs nicely with other vegetables and fruits. Spinach is alkalizing and is rich in many essential vitamins and minerals. A real powerhouse!
    • Cucumber is high in vitamin A, B complex, vitamin C and folic acid. It’s aids in cell hydration, regulating body temperature and eases inflammation. It’s high silica content also helps to alleviate skin problems, hair loss and strengthens nails. We love adding cucumber to our juices — it tastes mild and adds lots of mineral-rich water. There’s also lots of research looking into cucumbers’ anti-cancer properties. We prefer to use the thinner skinned varieties of cucumbers — hot house or English cucumbers are perfect.
    • Lemons are high in immune boosting vitamin C and help out with potassium and vitamin B6. They are highly alkalizing and are widely known for their detoxifying and antioxidant properties (hello pretty skin). Oh and if you are like me (a little anemic), all that vitamin C helps out with absorbing some of the iron found in the greens.
    • Ginger is a powerhouse in juices. Thanks to gingerols, ginger has powerful anti-inflammatory effects, aids in digestion and relieves bloating. There is no need to peel ginger before adding to the juice. Scrub it clean, cut a piece off then push it through your juicer. If you’re sensitive to ginger’s warming/spicy quality, add a smaller amount at first and go from there.