Why You Should Care About The Electoral College

(Washington Stand) At a time when Americans feel more divided than ever, influential members of the Democratic Party seek to undermine one of the Constitution’s greatest provisions assuring national unity: They want to abolish the Electoral College. Although many see the institution as a throwback to premodern times, the Electoral College still accomplishes the Founding Fathers’ will of seeing that people of all states have their interests represented in their government.

The most recent attempt to undermine the Constitution came from Democratic vice presidential candidate Tim Walz, who said, “I think all of us know, the Electoral College needs to go.” Over the years, nearly every prominent Democrat, including Hillary Clinton, has called for the presential [Sic] election to be determined by a national popular vote.

Being Heavenly Minded, Is The Only Way We Can Be Earthly Good

(Harbinger's Daily) While the world is thinking in one direction, it is imperative that you and I wash our minds and think differently about sexuality, family, finances, priorities, and life. In a powerful quote, CS Lewis rightfully attributes the impact of men and women who have made lasting changes on the earth to the fact that they thought differently than their neighbors and even family members.

Lewis states, “If you read history, you will find that the Christians who did most for the present world were just those who thought most of the next.”

UCLA Administrators Attempt to Derail Ben Shapiro Speech

(RedState) If you're a public university administrator at an institution which was just ordered by a federal judge to not "knowingly allow or facilitat[e] the exclusion of Jewish students from ordinarily available portions" of the school's programs, facilities, and activities, and which was just accused in a separate lawsuit of violating its students' First Amendment rights by blocking a student organization-sponsored speech entitled, "Everything You Know About Palestine Is Wrong," you'd probably pause for a beat or two before placing all manner of roadblocks in the path of that same organization related to a planned campus speech by a famous Jewish commentator.

But for some reason, UCLA administrators still think they can get away with placing restrictions on Young America's Foundation's planned October 21 on-campus event featuring Ben Shapiro.

Scientists File Lawsuit Over The Dangers Of Abortion Pills

(Harbinger's Daily) The pro-abortion lobby is anti-women (and pro-death and anti-life). Now, why do I say that? After all, they style themselves as compassionate supporters of choice for women, protecting the “rights” of women to do whatever they want with their own bodies. Of course, that’s all just rhetoric—carefully chosen euphemisms to cover up that abortion is really the intentional killing (murder) of a human life (made in God’s image). Once you understand what abortion really is, it’s easy to see how it’s anti-life and anti-baby . . . but why do I say it’s also anti-women?

Well, there are many reasons, but a recent news article highlighted one: they don’t actually care about the safety of the drugs that induce chemical abortions or the impacts these drugs have on women. They only care about ensuring it’s as easy and cheap as possible for women to kill their unborn children.

The Demonic Nature Of This Culture Is No Longer Being Hidden

(Harbinger's Daily) A leading taxpayer-funded California university will host what organizers are calling a “demonic” drag show steeped in the occult later this month. Known as “Drag me to hell,” the horror-themed drag festival is being marketed as a “one-of-a-kind Halloween event” for students.

“Join us for a festive night of dancing, drag, and dress-up!” reads the event description on the University of Southern California’s website featuring grotesque videos of men dressed as caricatures of women covered in blood and demonic regalia.

CA, CO, HI Face Ballot Measures Repealing Marriage Amendments

(Washington Stand) Voters in three Western states will consider ballot measures this November to repeal marriage amendments previously approved by voters. These measures would add redundant legal fortifications to same-sex marriage in anticipation of the day when the current cultural juggernaut consumes its final momentum.

The state ballot measures would have no immediate effect on policy, due to the double-layered federal protection that same-sex marriage currently enjoys. The Supreme Court rendered state constitutional provisions defining marriage as one man and one woman unenforceable when its Obergefell v. Hodges (2015) decision unilaterally legalized same-sex marriage.

Christians Can’t Avoid Politics, Our Country Is In Crisis

(Life News) Americans may not agree on much, but they agree on this: we’re at a pivotal moment. Exactly how pivotal depends on who you ask. After all, our country’s had its share of challenges in its relatively young existence. We’ve survived a civil war, segregation, the Great Depression, two World Wars, presidential assassinations, natural disasters, national tragedies, terror attacks, a global pandemic, and so much more. Maybe that’s why so many people underestimate the gravity of this moment, Os Guinness says. But they shouldn’t.

“I wish people understood [this] moment,” the beloved intellectual told Joseph Backholm on the latest episode of “Outstanding.” “The whole of the West [is] in crisis,” he warned, calling it a “civilizational moment” for both the church and the American Republic.

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Isaiah 62:6

To see the Church preserve and promote a biblical worldview in all spheres of society, culture, and public policy.