Hibbs On The Church And Politics: Let The Light Shine

(American Family News) The RNC Convention was not one of stiff suits. Instead, the speech docket mixed in youthful GOP leaders, cultural figures and pastors at any given time.

The revised platform – hailed by Log Cabin Republicans, the pro-LGBTQ wing of the party – was confirmed at the convention.

It’s a different platform, skimping on protection of life and the definition of marriage, strongly addressed in previous GOP platforms, but significantly watered down in the revision.

It has no mention of a need for congressional action on the abortion issue, fetal tissue research or mention of God bestowing the right to life.

Pray: What We Call Politics Is Neither A Game Nor A Show

(Harbinger's Daily) If US presidential politics were just a spectator sport, this would be one of the greatest years ever. It features unexpected plot twists, loads of melodrama, intriguing personalities, deep mysteries, and even violence. But presidential politics is not a mere spectator sport. Patrick Mahomes’ next touchdown pass will have little effect on the education of your children, the safety of the street where you live, the availability and cost of housing in your community, or the future of your job.

But US Presidential elections impact all of that. They touch everything from the price of hamburgers to the fate of entire industries. Such elections alter the course of nations — and not just our own. They also alter the course of each of our lives.

Migrant Children Were Raped By Federal Contractors

(Daily Wire) Migrant children held in the United States after crossing the border illegally were subject to “pervasive” sexual abuse at the hands of federal contractors, the Department of Justice said Wednesday.

The department filed a lawsuit against Southwest Key Programs, which operates homes for underage illegal immigrants awaiting placement with “sponsors” in the United States. Federal law bars minors who cross the border illegally from being returned to their home country. Southwest Key holds more than 6,000 children in 29 shelters staffed by “youth care workers.”

The lawsuit says Southwest Key records show staff members repeatedly covered for each other as they preyed on children.

No, God Wasn’t Making A Political Statement By Sparing Trump

(The Federalist) In the days since the attempted assassination of former President Donald Trump, some observers have rushed to assert that the hand of divine providence thwarted the attack. It’s an understandable impulse, given the close call that kept Trump from the assassin’s bullet and the further unrest that would have resulted had the attempt succeeded. People of all political stripes should give thanks when violence gets thwarted, and our nation can resolve its differences peacefully.

Assigning political motives to the divine, however, goes too far. For instance, when talking about the assassination attempt, professional fighter Jake Paul began by saying, “If it isn’t apparent enough who God wants to win.”

Elon Musk Says He Was Tricked Into Allowing Son To Transition

(Daily Wire) Elon Musk, the billionaire owner of Tesla and SpaceX, told Dr. Jordan B. Peterson on Monday that he was “tricked into” allowing one of his sons to undergo gender procedures, saying his child was “killed” by the “woke mind virus.”

Musk sat down with Peterson for an interview that covered a range of topics and was streamed live on DailyWire+ and X. During one segment, Peterson and Musk discussed children being targeted by doctors with gender procedures, with both men agreeing that the practice is “evil.” Musk called “gender-affirming care,” the Left’s description of the procedures, “a terrible euphemism.”

Did Tennessee’s Call To Prayer Help Save Trump’s Life?

(Washington Stand) With the bombshell that Joe Biden is exiting the race, the Republican National Convention already seems like a lifetime ago. But Sunday’s news that the president isn’t going to run for a second term doesn’t change the fact that the Republican Party was at the epicenter of what Speaker Mike Johnson (R-La.) called “a big moment for our country.”

“Many people have commented that they think it was the best convention that they’ve ever seen or been involved in,” he told Family Research Council President Tony Perkins, who also served as a delegate from Louisiana. “I really do believe,” Johnson emphasized, “… that unity was the central theme of the week.”

Pro-Life Laws Have Not Worsened Health Outcomes For Women

(Life News) Last week the Commonwealth Fund released a state scorecard on women’s health and reproductive care. It provided state-level data on a range of public-health outcomes, including maternal-mortality rates, breast- and cervical-cancer deaths, and rates of postpartum depression. Some Northeastern states received high rankings while many Southern states fared poorly. This study has been covered by mainstream media outlets including ABC News, NBC News, CNN, the Dallas Morning News, and Bloomberg.com.

In the accompanying news release, the Commonwealth Fund states that the findings raise concerns about the ripple effects of the Supreme Court’s decision to reverse Roe v. Wade. Unsurprisingly, the mainstream media’s coverage of the study was all too quick to include that spin. Bloomberg in its headline claimed that maternal deaths were highest in states that restrict abortion.

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Isaiah 62:6

To see the Church preserve and promote a biblical worldview in all spheres of society, culture, and public policy.