Church Baptism - POSTPONED

Due to unforeseen circumstances, the Baptism that was to be held THIS Sunday, June 30, at Corona del Mar, has been postponed. A new date will be announced soon.

Support Chick-fil-A

Chick-fil-A is under attack and being boycotted by gay and lesbian groups and their sympathizers. Please show your support by eating at your local Chick-fil-A restaurant. Tweet, Facebook, and e-mail everyone in your sphere of influence to frequent this pro-family, Christian supporting business.

The Treasure Box

Looking to stretch your dollars? The Treasure Box provides families with 21-25lbs. of frozen food that normally retails between $60 and $85 for just $32 a box. For more information or menu options, visit their table in the courtyard on Sunday.

Watchmen Ministry Student Essay Contest

Students 14-18 years old, win a week-long trip to Sacramento for the City on the Hill Youth Leadership Conference hosted by Capitol Resource Institute. For more information and essay guidelines, visit the Watchmen website.

National Day of Prayer

The National Day of Prayer will be held on Thursday, May 5. We will be meeting in front of Chino City Hall at 11:45AM. Make plans to join us as we pray for the church, our families, government, military, and more.

New Beginnings Class

New Beginnings is a 7-week class for new believers, those making a renewed commitment to follow Jesus, and those desiring a stronger foundation for their life in Christ. Sign up here and then join us Thurs., April 28, 7PM, Rm E223. Childcare available for 3yrs.–6 grade.

Crown Financial

Learn how to handle finances God’s way through Crown Financial’s 10-week small group study. Learn the profound impact managing your money has on your relationship with God. Class begins Tuesday, March 21, 7PM. Sign up at their table THIS Sunday, March 19.

Indian Village 4th Grade Summer Camp

Indian Village is for kids entering 4th grade in the fall. Kids will have the opportunity to participate in many activities while learning about Jesus. This camp will be held July 24-29. Space is limited. Sign up online or in the church office.

Adventure Mountain 5th & 6th Grade Camp

Adventure Mountain is for kids entering 5th/6th grade in the fall and will be held July 24-29. They will learn more about God and the Bible while enjoying a variety of fun camp activities. Sign up online or in the church office. Space is limited.

Jr High Summer Camp - Overcome!

Hey, Jr Highers! Join us as we head to San Onofre beach to grab some waves, food, and fun. Our summer camp will be July 17-21. Sign-up online or in the church office.

Take Aim - Children's MInistry

Are you interested in serving in Children's Ministry? Come find out how God can use you to reach the hearts of children. Join us Tuesday, November 8, 7PM, Room W208 for a short orientation meeting. Please bring a picture ID. Childcare will be provided.

Adoption & Foster Care Information Meeting

November is National Adoption Awareness Month. Are you interested in adoption or providing foster care? Come to an Information Meeting to learn more Friday, November 6, 7PM in Rm W203.

Prison Ministry

Do you have a heart for those in prison? We visit local inmates often to teach, encourage and pray with them. If you are interested in joining us in this ministry, visit the table in the courtyard on Sunday.


If you are interest in helping with Superstropolis June 27 - July 1 from 9AM – 12noon, sign up in the in the courtyard on Sunday. We also have t-shirts and capes available in several colors to help promote this event.

Missionaries of the Month

Laurin and Nura Harrison
St. Petersburg, Russia

Please pray for our missionaries serving throughout the world. Visit the Missions' counter in the east hallway where you can email a note of encouragement & pick up a bookmark as a reminder to pray for them.

Mother's Day Rose Sale

Bless your mother, grandmother, aunt, or a special lady in your life by purchasing a rose in the courtyard this Sunday, May 8. Your $5 suggested donation will bless a mom and help to protect the unborn.

Women’s Care Center – Rose Assembly

This Pro-Life Ministry provides compassionate care, educates about fetal development, sexual integrity & the truth about abortion. They need volunteers to help assemble Mother’s Day rose bouquets May 6 & 7. Visit their table in the courtyard Sunday.

Advocates for Faith & Freedom

This group is dedicated to uphold our religious liberty, America’s heritage and educate Americans about our constitutional rights. Pastor Jack will be speaking at their fundraising banquet at Los Serranos Country Club on May 5. Purchase a ticket in the courtyard Sunday or at

Watchmen Action Meeting

Join us Tues., May 3rd at 6PM to find out how you can help to stop SB48 from becoming law. This new law would require public schools social studies instruction to include "a study of the role and contributions of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender Americans."

This Week's Reading

Saturday, May 07
2 Samuel 5:13-16; 1 Chronicles 14:3-7; 1 Chronicles 3:4b-9;
2 Samuel 13:1-15:6

Sunday, May 08
2 Samuel 24:1-25; 1 Chronicles 21:1-30; 2 Samuel 15:7-36

Monday, May 09
Psalm 3:1-8; Psalm 4:1-8; Psalm 11:1-7; Psalm 23:1-6;
Psalm 26:1-12; 2 Samuel 16:1-14; Psalm 12:1-8; Psalm 36:1-12

Tuesday, May 10
Psalm 37:1-40; Psalm 9:1-20; Psalm 10:1-18; 2 Samuel
15:37; 2 Samuel 16:15; Psalm 27:1-14

Wednesday, May 11
Psalm 28:1-9; Psalm 39:1-13; Psalm 41:1-13; Psalm 42:1-
11; Psalm 43:1-5; 2 Samuel 16:16-17:23

Thursday, May 12
Psalm 55:1-23; Psalm 58:1-11; Psalm 61:1-8; Psalm 62:1-
12; Psalm 63:1-11; 2 Samuel 17:24-26; 1 Chronicles 2:17; 2 Samuel 17:27-18:18

Friday, May 13
2 Samuel 18:19-33; Psalm 64:1-10; Psalm 70:1-5; Psalm
84:1-12; Psalm 141:1-10; Psalm 143:1-12; 2 Samuel 19:1-43

Watchmen Action Alert!

Stop SB48! Contact your Assembly Member today! This new law would require public schools social studies instruction to include "a study of the role and contributions of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender Americans."

Join us Tues., May 3rd at 6PM to find out how you can help to stop this from becoming law.

Book of the Month - The Pursuit of God

The Pursuit of God
by A.W. Tozer

In the muddle of day-to-day life, have you somehow forgotten that Christianity is a living, vibrant relationship with a personal God? In this classic bestseller, The Pursuit of God reminds and challenges you to renew your relationship with your loving God. In each of the 10 chapters, Tozer explains one aspect of hungering for God and ends with a prayer. You won’t want to miss out on this amazing book.

Women's Newsletter

Daily Grace features a variety of articles, devotions, book reviews and even advice from Gigi. The summer edition is available online, so take a moment and enjoy it.

Real Life

Encourage a friend to tune in to Real Radio and listen to Pastor Jack weekdays on KKLA 99.5FM (9PM). You can also visit our online store to order a favorite message or featured Book of the Month. Visit Real Life today.

White Stone Ministry

Ministering to individuals and families who are affected by same-sex attractions. Call 909.393.4114 (all calls are strictly confidential), or send an email to

Please consider making a donation to White Stone Ministry so that we may continue to fulfill the vision of changing lives through Jesus Christ.

Pregnant? Need Help?

La Puente: OPTIONS

A Women’s Care Center
(626) 671-0581


Women’s Resource Center
(909) 258-9272

