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  • Each week of December we will post daily readings and reflections so be sure to check back every week!

  • Monday

    READ: Genesis 37:3-4, 31-33; 50:15-20

    REFLECT: What pain and suffering are you experiencing that you need God to transform into something good?


  • Tuesday

    READ: Deuteronomy 5:1, 5-22, 29

    REFLECT: Write a prayer of thanks to Jesus whose love makes it possible to approach a God who is holy.


  • Wednesday

    READ: Joshua 2:1-21

    REFLECT: Rahab's less-than-stellar reputation never got in God's way. What does it mean to you that God's grace looks past your past?


  • Thursday

    READ: Ruth 1:1-17

    REFLECT: Write/email/text a note of thanks to someone in our church family today or maybe call someone you suspect is lonely.


  • Friday

    READ: 1 Samuel 16:1-2

    REFLECT: As you encounter other people, try seeing hearts rather than appearances.


  • Saturday

    READ: Isaiah 9:2, 6-7

    REFLECT: Focus on just one thing you can do today to spark hope for someone else.