Honoring Michelle Betts

This Sunday we are honoring Michelle Betts in all 3 worship services for her 30 years as Highland’s children’s minister. She is the best of the best and has shared the gospel with thousands of children. Come by the Commons and thank her before and after Bible class. We want to thank her and bless her with a financial gift. If you’d like to contribute, click HERE.


We had an AMAZING week at Quest 2024! God’s goodness was on full display as we got to explore the story of Elijah, sing karaoke, play games, create crafts, and visit with Cool Ray with our guests. A huge THANK YOU to everyone who made this a special 3-nights! We already can’t wait for next year!

HCM News

This Week for HCM

Sunday, July 28

5:30 - Camp Highland campers meet in the Youth Mission to watch the camp video

6:00-7:30 - HCM FOAM PARTY on HCM playground. Wear your swim suit and shoes that can get wet and bring a towel. Preschool age are welcome but parents will need to stay and supervise these little ones.

Tuesday, July 30

1-5 grades come for our last Tuesday Morning Service and Fun! We will be cleaning the crossing and other parts of the building.

Wednesday, July 31

We will honor our HCM summer interns and say thank you to them! We will present them with a gift and we would love all HCM families to help contribute. You can venmo your gift to Michelle Betts's account.

Preschoolers Story Time

Thank you to Paula Jennings for reading to us last week. We enjoyed visiting with her! Preschoolers and moms join us for story time this Tuesday from 9-10:30. Ainsley spellings will be our reader.

HYG News

HYG This Week

Sunday, July 28

Camp Highland Video Watch Party AND Slip ‘n Slide Kickball: 5:30-8:00pm

Join us to reminisce on Camp Highland 2024! We’ll have pizza for HYG, then we’ll battle it out in slip ‘n slide kickball! Wear clothes that can get wet and a towel.

NO Power Hour or FLOAT this week!

Wednesday, July 31

6:30-7:00pm- Hangout

7:00-8:00pm- Our LAST Worship & Lesson with the interns! continuing in our ALIVE series!

Thursday, August 1

HYG Girls Lock In

7:00pm-7:00am- Girls only! We’re having a Tangled themed lock in, and you won’t want to miss it!


Save The Date:

August 4- Intern Celebration

August 11- Promotion Sunday

August 21- Rising Kickoff

Summer Social

You are invited to a Summer Social at the home of Amy Bethea. This is for women at Highland of ALL ages! There will be light refreshments available. It is sure to be a fun time!

When: Tuesday, July 30

Time: 7pm

Address: 4296 Burgundy Road, Memphis, TN

Women’s Day

Women’s Day is September 14! Join us for an inspiring, multigenerational event with other Highland women!

Saturday - 8:30am-12:30pm

Special Guest: Sarah Brooks

Details coming soon!

Isaiah 117 Bin Buddies

Did you know that many children entering foster care arrive without basic necessities like clothes, shoes, toiletries, and toys? At the Isaiah 117 House, we're committed to lavishly loving the children we serve by providing them with a duffel bag packed full of brand new essentials. Each child we serve receives clothing, underwear, toiletries, shoes, toys, blankets, and more, totaling about $300 worth of items per bag. Signing up as a bin buddy is a meaningful way for organizations, churches, businesses, and small groups of friends to be connected to our mission.

When you sign up for a specific bin to shop for, we will have it ready for you to pick up in The Commons. Please use the message section during the sign-up process to indicate Highland as your pick-up location for your assigned bin (large tub). Kindly ensure that all items are neatly folded inside the bin and that the sales tag remains on each item. We also ask that all items be brand new.

Click HERE to sign up for a bin and for more information!

School Store

The 35th annual School Store will take place this year! We've committed to provide school supplies to children who are under-resourced at LaRose Elementary and in the Raleigh area through the Raleigh Community Church of Christ. There are three ways you can help below.

1. Fill Backpacks with HCM on July 23rd 9:00-1030AM

2. Deliver School Supplies on July 24th at 7:30PM

3. School Store at Raleigh on July 27th from 9-Noon

Wednesday Night

Wednesday, July 31

Chapel Class - Tim Stafford will talk about "Heaven."

Women's Class - “Discerning the Voice of God: How to Recognize when God is Speaking" by Priscilla Shirer in A-105

Men's Class - A Study of 1-3 John

We will do a chapter a week until the end of summer. Join us in room A-104.

Scriptures for 2024

Memorize these passages with us this year!

31 What, then, shall we say in response to these things? If God is for us, who can be against us? 32 He who did not spare his own Son, but gave him up for us all—how will he not also, along with him, graciously give us all things?

Romans 8:31-32

Prayer Mail

If you have a prayer request to share or would like to subscribe to receive Prayer Mail emails, click HERE.

Member Directory

Did you know that we have an online directory? Click here to access the online directory.

You can also download the app to your device! Download the "ShelbyNEXT ⎮ Membership" app from the app store.

If logging in with the app, the domain is "highlandcc"

Upload a photo to your profile so we can see your smiling face!

If you need any help logging in, setting up a profile, or have a question, contact Falon Avery at falon.avery@highlandcc.org.


Download the BulletinPlus app for another way to access the Link right from your phone!

Serve With Us

Serving through church gives us a way to belong and meet new people. We’ve got many openings available to fit your gifts and passions, whether it might be serving the Children's Ministry, Youth Ministry, singing on the Praise Team, serving in our Special Needs Ministry, Media Team, and many others.

The Lord Provides

“I’m nervous that if I give to God first, then I won’t have enough left to live on.” That’s a legitimate concern for many of us, especially when we live on a tight budget. If that’s you, may these words from Paul in 2 Cor. 9:8-11 give you encouragement and confidence that the Lord Provides:

8 And God is able to bless you abundantly, so that in all things at all times, having all that you need, you will abound in every good work. 9 As it is written: “They have freely scattered their gifts to the poor; their righteousness endures forever.” 10 Now he who supplies seed to the sower and bread for food will also supply and increase your store of seed and will enlarge the harvest of your righteousness. 11 You will be enriched in every way so that you can be generous on every occasion, and through us your generosity will result in thanksgiving to God.

4 Convenient Ways to Give

1. Online. Go to www.highlandcc.org/give. You can quickly create an account and make recurring or one-time gifts. ACH is preferred because of the lower fee. Debit and credit cards are accepted, but they charge a 2%-3% fee.
2. Text “Give” to 901-352-3200. This will take you to the website.
3. In Person. You can place cash and checks in one of the offering boxes located in the Chapel and Life Center. This is a great option for your children to give a tangible gift.
4. Mail. You can send checks to the church at 400 North Houston Levee Road, Cordova, TN 38018.

July 21

Total Attendance: 923

Weekly Contribution: $41,993 | Weekly Budget: $52,000

Actual Year to Date: $1,482,680 | Budget Year to Date: $1,508,000

Did You Know?

Animals can also be allergic to humans.

Highland Church of Christ
400 N. Houston Levee Road, Cordova, TN 38018

Ph: 901-458-3335
Email: Click Here

Sunday Schedule

8:30AM: Chapel, Life Center (Acapella) and Online
9:40AM: Sunday School
10:40AM: Life Center and Online (Instrumental)
Wednesday Nights
6:30PM: HCM and Adult Classes
7:00PM: HYG Class