Worship Service Shift
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  • Hello LFC! 

    As more and more are returning back to our in-house service, we are preparing to make a shift from a video-based service back to a sanctuary-based service on May 30th. To prepare for that, Steve Long, Riley Megyesi, Don Jeffrey, and Byron Silvestri have been working diligently with limited resources to get us going (to do it best would cost thousands more than we have- but these guys have worked hard to make what we have do the job- and I might add, to their credit, to do it quite well!).

    So, when you tune in to our LFC YouTube (YT) channel that day, our service will look a bit different than it has the past 13 months, but we hope it allows you to still stay connected on the Sundays that you are not able to be with us in person. Now, there may be a couple hiccups in our live video that day, but I am confident that our A/V team will get us back up and going as soon as they can. Seriously- besides giving them grace going forward into a new layer of all this for us- can you join me in giving thanks for all they have done this past year to get us to this point!?! From the bottom of our hearts- thank you so much, Brothers!


    Now for those of you who tune in on FB or on our app (through the sermon recording link), since the service will now be live, we will be sure to share a link to the YT video on our FB page and in our app with the day’s sermon recording as soon as possible that day. It may take a few hours for the recording of our live service to process, but we will share it as soon as possible.

    I must say, I am excited to move back to preaching to the people of God gathered, even if that event itself is recorded, rather than preaching to a phone in an empty room. It will be a very welcome change! But remember, this will also be different than watching it on tv as we have done, since the best worship experience is one where we ALL participate both in prayer preparations (remember, I preach better when you pray for me), and in full preparation during the service (and that includes either taking the risk, when you feel it is safe for you to return- even though it will feel weird and perhaps anxiety has now arisen for any event outside your own home, to come together and to care and connect with others either in the sanctuary or still not yet able to be with us; as this also includes inviting those you know who may also be able to join us in reconnecting with our church community- either for the first time, or again after some time of being away). 

    For those wondering about tickets, we will no longer require tickets as of June 6th (though you will notice a different seating pattern that day that will still help us maintain some social distancing, and per Mass law, we will still request masks be worn for the time being). And for your own prayers and planning, our May 30th, Memorial Day Weekend service, will include time given to recalling the memories of those persons, experiences and parts of life that we lost the past year. And then on June 6th, we will begin Communion once again, using pre-packaged sets (which are not ideal, but way better than missing this sacred event in our life any longer!). So, if you have any questions, please contact our pastoral or office staff at the Church Office- email remains best, but a phone call or voicemail works too (which BTW- as our school begins to return to normal hours, so does our church office return to M-F, 9-Noon hours!). We can’t wait to worship & work for Christ’s Mission reconnected with you again!


    To God Be The Glory,

    Pastor Megyesi