I do hope everyone had an enjoyable Thanksgiving. Layne and I feel tremendously blessed and thankful as we reflect on all that God has done for us throughout the years.
Click on the link to learn about this years Lottie Moon emphasis, The Great Pursuit. Every dollar givien to the Lottie Moon Christmas Offering goes to support International Missionaries. Thank you for your generosity
The FBC Sunny Side Food Pantry Open every Monday from 3 - 5. Tell your friends and neighbors that we are here to help.
Keep informed
The FBC of Sunny Side uses a text message service called remind to send out group text messages and prayer requests. To sign up for text messages from the church simply text @fbcssme to the number 81010 to get started. See Joel if you have any questions or issues signing up.
First Baptist Church of Sunny Side
24 Church Rd
Sunny Side, GA 30284