Growing Up Teaching Series

The persecution of Stephen was the turning point. His arrest and defense resulted in an explosion of rage. The believers in Jerusalem went from being in favor to being hunted down, arrested, and thrown into prison. But the enemies of the church didn’t put out the fire, they poured gasoline on it. And the church exploded across Judea, Samaria, and into the world.

From Stephen’s arrest to Peter’s baptism of a Gentile named Cornelius, we witness the transition of the church from a Jewish sect that followed the Messiah of Israel to a movement of believers who worshiped Jesus as the Lord of all.

God never calls us to do something He does not give us what we need to do it.

Wanted - Candy Donations and Parade Participants!

The outreach team is looking for donations of individually wrapped bulk candy to pass out during the Ox Roast Parade. Candy will be collected through August 11th. We are also looking for volunteers to help with the parade. See sign up sheet at Connect Central.

Meal Train for Dee Esch Family

We wish to enlist help from members of DeWitt Christian Church to provide meals for Dee Esch, her daughter Jessica, and Jessica's four (4) children (Aurora 16, Gabe 14, Henry 7, and Ivan 4). The schedule is set up for every other day. If you have any questions after viewing the preferences, please contact Don or Amy Lowell. If you prefer to have Don and/or Amy deliver the meal(s) please let them know.

Visit to sign up to provide a meal.

DeWitt Christian Church
2931 W. Herbison Rd.
DeWitt, MI 48820

Ph: (517) 669-5000
Email: Click Here

Rick Stacy, Senior Pastor
