Responding to CA Fires

Church Family,

We are working with other churches and specific orgnizations who have extensive experience in responding to natural disasters like Samaritan's Purse and Southern Baptist Convention Disaster Relief. The reponse to the people affected by the wildfire will be a progression of different service levels. Right now we are working to bring specific supplies and minister to people who were able to stay in the affected area, particularly the Altadena area. The neighborhoods don't have power, water, electric, or gas. Those people have been coming to the feeding station set up by UTurn for Christ which we just starting bringing some people to take shifts on that hospitality team.

First resonders still need to clear the homesites with their cadaver dogs before they let people go back to their homes. After that we will deploy in teams to help families sort through the rubble for their belongings. This will require some training and we encourage all of you who want to serve to attend the interest meeting this Sunday after 3rd Service. Get your questions answered so you can attend the specific training on the 25th.

If you have further questions please contact Pastor Tony by calling the church office or emailing him at

Financial Contributions

Dear Church Family,

Calvary South OC is NOT taking financial contributions for the current Southern California Fires. There are three specific organizations we suggest you send you financial support to. Calvary Disaster Relief, UTurn For Christ Ministries, and Samaritan's Purse. We are currenlty sending teams to serve with UTurn and Calvary Disaster Relief. Click on the images below to go to their donation pages. Thank you for your support and most importantly please continue to be in prayer for all those affected by the fire and for the salvation of those we get to minister to in the affected neighborhoods.

In Christ,

-CSOC Ministries.

Altadena Fire Relief (Eaton Fire)

Dear Church Family!

We are letting you know the specific needs of serving those affected by the recent fires. We are going to serve the Altadena community and co-labor with Calvary Chapel LaHabra, Calvary Chapel Monrovia, U-Turn, & Blue Tape Ministries.

These are the specific needs for now. Toiletries, Feminine hygiene products, baby needs like formula, diapers, cases of water, non perishable foods that don't need cooking. Pop tarts, granola bars, soups, oatmeal packs, pre-made, protein shakes, protein bars, meat jerkies, sodas.

The number one thing they DON'T need for now is clothing, toys, shoes, or any kind of housewares at this time.

We will continue taking supplies for the rest of the week and into next week. Here is the the schdule for dropping off your supplies.

Monday 8AM-7PM

Tuesday 8AM-7PM

Wednesday 8AM-5PM

Thursday 8AM-7PM

Friday 8AM-7PM

Saturday 8AM-1PM

Sunday - NO DROP OFF

You can drive around to the back of the church you will see the Calvary yellow box truck. If you have any question please call the church office at 949.443.2572

Serving With Samaritan's Purse

If you're interested in serving alongside us in Jesus' Name, sign up to be notified about volunteer opportunities for our response to the California wildfires. Click [HERE]

Samaritan’s Purse is poised to quickly mount a response after the California wildfires are contained. Staff members will be on the ground assessing the hardest hit areas once it is safe to do so.

Staff are working with local emergency management personnel to mount a strategic response and will coordinate with local churches throughout the deployment. Our volunteer teams will assist homeowners and share the love of Christ as we serve in Jesus’ Name. You will be contacted by email once details for these sites have been finalized.

San Clemente
1311 Calle Batido
San Clemente, CA 92673

Ph: 877.242.0828
Email: Click Here

Sunday Services:
7:45AM, 9:30AM and 11:30AM

Sunday: Spanish Service 11:30AM in Suite 175

Wednesday Evening: 7PM

Office Hours Tues -Fri 9AM-4:30PMM