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Women of the Word

Revealing Revelation: How God's Plans for the Future Can Change Your Life

Bestselling author Amir Tsarfati examines what Revelation makes known about the end times and beyond. Guided by accessible teaching that lets Scripture speak for itself, you’ll take a closer look at the timeline of what believers and nonbelievers will experience before, during, and after the tribulation plan that the Lord has specifically prepared for the people of Israel in the end times encouragements, challenges, and warnings Jesus Himself gave to prepare us for His return Revealing Revelation provides an eye-opening look at what lies ahead for every person in the end times—either in heaven or on earth. Are you prepared for what is to come?

This study begins Tuesday, September 13 at 7pm at Amy Lodwig's home (call for directions 720-480-8049).

The cost is $27.00 for the book and the workbook. Register at the Information Booth by Sunday, September 4. Child care is not available.