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  • Weekly Study #9

    LT Bread of Life Women's Bible Study

    Review of 1 and II Thessalonians


    1. What did the Lord show you to apply to your life from II Thessalonians 3:1-18?





    a. How is this making a difference in your walk?





    2. Before beginning this Review Lesson on Paul's two letters written to the church in Thessalonica, ask the Lord to help you recall what you learned as you studied First and Second Thessalonians. Write your prayer here.





    3. Record what you remember about Paul's visit to the city of Thessalonica. Include who was with him and how long he was there.




    Optional: Report why Paul left Thessalonica and where he went before he wrote his first letter to the church in Thessalonica.





    4. When you think of the Thessalonian believers, what comes to mind?




    Before you answer the questions given for each chapter, in addition to looking at your Bible, review your lesson and any notes you may have taken from the message given on that specific chapter.

    5. Review I Thessalonians 1:1-10.

    a. Why did Paul give thanks for these new believers?




    b. How might you follow their example as seen in this chapter?




    6. Review I Thessalonians 2:1-20.

    a. How would you describe Paul's feelings for the Thessalonian believers?




    b. Share a discovery you made or an insight you received from this chapter about Christians and persecution.





    7. Review I Thessalonians 3:1-13.

    a. Paul was kept from visiting the new church in Thessalonica so he sent young Timothy. What did he report back to Paul about the believers there?





    b. How might you follow Paul's example of prayer as seen in this chapter?





    8. Review I Thessalonians 4:1-18.

    a. What did you learn from this chapter about:

    pleasing the Lord








    the Lord's return




    9. Review I Thessalonians 5:1-28.

    a. In a few words write a description of believers and unbelievers according to this chapter.





    b. Record something you learned about the Lord that blesses you today.





    10. Review II Thessalonians 1:1-12.

    a. What did you learn about unbelievers from this chapter that causes you to pray for them with a greater urgency?





    b. Explain how suffering and glory are linked together for believers.





    11. Review II Thessalonians 2:1-17.

    a. How will holding fast to the Word of God keep you from being deceived?





    12. Review II Thessalonians 3:1-18.

    a. What specific thought or instruction did you receive from this chapter?





    b. Share what you are doing to keep from growing weary in well doing.





    13. Write your favorite verse from:

    I Thessalonians: 



    II Thessalonians



    14. In what way were you especially blessed through the:

    Weekly Lessons






    Group Discussions



    15. As you recall all that the Lord taught you through the study of First and Second Thessalonians, what lesson in particular ministered the most to you and why?





    16. Write a prayer expressing your thanksgiving to the Lord for what you learned about Him and His Word through the study. Ask Him to help you retain all that He taught you as you continue to apply those things to your life.





    Now may the Lord of peace Himself
    give you peace always in every way.
    The Lord be with you all.
    II Thessalonians 3:16