
We believe that baptism is to be practiced by all Christians as commanded in the Great Commission.

Therefore, go and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Matthew 28:19

Thank You, we have received your form.
  • At which service would you like to be baptized

  • Have you been baptized before?

  • If you have been baptized before, when?

  • Do you have someone in mind to baptize you?

    If not, don't worry, we'd love to!

  • If you have someone in mind to baptize you, who is it, and what is their relationship to you?

  • Have you accepted Jesus as your Lord and Savior?

  • Can you tell us a little bit about how you were saved?

  • Why are you wanting to be baptized? What significance do you hope it will have in your journey with Christ?

  • Is there someone in particular you would like to thank for bringing you to this moment?

  • Are you in an ABF?

  • If so, which one?

  • Are you in a small group?

  • If so, who is your small group leader?

  • Thank you! We will contact to you soon to set up a date for this next step in your faith journey!